Gifts by Will or Living Trust

You name Harmonium as a beneficiary in your will or trust, designating the gift of your choice (for example, cash, real estate, personal property, or securities). You maintain complete control of your assets during your lifetime.

Give as Your Legacy

There are a number of ways to create a lasting legacy that offer you flexibility. Naming Harmonium Choral Society in your will or trust costs you nothing now but expresses your commitment to Harmonium’s ideals, mission and impact on your life. There is no minimum gift required. Every gift makes a difference. You make this an inseparable part of your life story.

Gifts to Harmonium’s Endowment

The Harmonium Endowment Fund, a board-designated endowment, was established to provide sustained financial support for the long-term mission and activities of the Harmonium Choral Society.

Click here for fillable Endowment Form

Gifts by Beneficiary Designation

Request a change of beneficiary form from the company holding your assets (for example, your IRAs, 401(k) and other retirement plans, bank accounts, commercial annuities, life insurance policies, and other assets) and include Harmonium as a full or partial beneficiary.

Founding Funders of the Harmonium Endowment

Anne E. Eagle

Anne Matlack


Becky Moody

Beth Kershaw Shirley – in honor of Anne Matlack

Beth Wilson

Bill & Lauran Corson – in memory of Ted Corson

Bob Burke

Christopher & Mary Lynn Nielsen

David and Mary Beth McFall

David Green & Liza J. Hecht

Debbie Wohl

Diane & Bob Richton

Diane M. Pivarnik

Donna & Jack McCoy

Eleanor Winslow

Ginny Johnston

Holland Jancaitis

Jack McCoy

Jackie Lauria

Joan Tracy

Joe Keefe

Kathy Ornstein

Ken Short

Kimberly Williams

Kristine Oddsen Lamb in memory of her father Odd Norman Oddsen, Sr.

Krystiana Machtinger

Leslie and Aaron Adler

Louise Karger

Marc and Margaret Persing

Mark Miller 

Martha Domonkos

Max Calbick

Mr. Aaron Richton & Ms. Lauren Limauro-Richton 

Nancy & Steve Magee

Richard and Cynthis Steffens

Robert Emmerich

Sally Fullman

Shana Tracey

Susan & John Pilshaw - – in honor of Harmonium singers past and present

Susan Hoadley DeGeorge – in memory of David N. Hoadley

Susan Saltus

Ted & Paula Roper

Valerie Davia & Warren Luce

Will and Mary Leland